At the beginning of the month, I sat down to reflect on what I wanted my upcoming lunar cycle intention to be. I turned to my Dreams of Gaia tarot deck, and asked the question “where should I focus my efforts during the upcoming lunar cycle?” and pulling a one-card answer.
I pulled The Scribe, XII of Air. This beautiful card boasts bright blues against a starry black background. The face of a wise man, scribes with ancient symbols pouring out of his mouth and his eyes, which are complimentary of the night sky behind him. In perfect symmetry, two sacred black-headed white ibis face outward on the left and right side. At the top of the sword scribe is a beetle, and and the bottom of the scribe is a bee.
Photo credit belongs to the author of this post.
XII of Air, The Scribe. Tarot deck: Dreams of Gaia
The Scribe represents writing things down, documenting your life journey, and possibly securing what you have documented thus far (such as a backup drive, a print or hand-written version, etc.). I chose to focus on the former, writing things down and documenting my life’s journey. This felt so in line with what I truly wanted in regards to my writing — and, perhaps more specifically, my desire to start blogging consistently.
By the end of my new moon hour, I’d thought of a few aspects of my writing that I wanted to focus on for the lunar cycle:
Keep a daily log
Write a weekly blog post
Commit to and start using a ‘Swipe File’ (a concept from Austin Kleon’s Steal Like an Artist)
In reflecting on the intentions that I set during the new moon, my full moon hour was a pause for reflection on my journey, my process thus far, and celebrating the successes however small and minuscule they might seem.
First and foremost, getting COVID symptoms 4 days into the lunar cycle inevitably affected my progress, and I need to be mindful and forgiving of that reality. So, in terms of my prior aspirations, I’ve fallen short. But, in terms of my new outlook on my self-care goal, I would say that I’m tackling this lunar cycle intention with relative success.
Keeping a Daily Log
This aspect, I’ve been successful. I keep my moleskin journal with me everywhere I go, and before the end of the night, I pause to log what I did for that day. It’s a nice way to be able to look back on each day and draw reference for my progress by noting where I’ve been at each particular point in my life. It has, in some ways supplemented, and in other ways replaced, my process of journaling. While I still use the notebook as a journal when there is something worth writing, the simple documentation of things I did keep it easier to be consistent. This has been perhaps my most tangible success within the lunar cycle intention.
Writing a Weekly Blog Post
Mm… yes and no. Again, I have to be mindful that COVID symptoms hit me right at the beginning, so if consistency is what I was going for, then I’m afraid I’ve fallen short of this goal. But that is understandable, and when I look at it from the aspect of wanting to publish 3 out of my 4 blog posts, this one is my third, and so in that sense, I have been successful! I don’t know what I’m doing most of the time that I’m writing in this blog, but I suppose that’s sort of the point?
Commit to and start using a Swipe File
Nope. This is the one that I have fallen short on, no matter how I hold it up to the light to further inspect. I do have a file that I named “Swipe File”, but at this point I’m not even sure if I want to keep it on my Notes (Apple) app, or if I want to keep it on my Evernote app. While Evernote is my preference, the fact that I can only access it with an internet connection makes me pause. The whole point of a Swipe File is to be able to access it from anywhere, at any time. So, while I currently have one in both, I want to continue getting used to using it on my Notes app, and maybe just update it on Evernote to see whether or not it holds its value. But while I did start a Swipe File, I haven’t gotten as good at adding to it when I see something inspiring. The other benefit to Evernote is that it can be more than words that I put into the file — if it’s just a photo of something that I saw that is inspiring, it’s easier to add a photo document to Evernote than it is to add to Apple’s Note app. Ugh! I have to do further investigating on this, the pros and cons of both, and ultimately choose one that I stick with.
Do you have a Swipe File (a place that you put all of the things you find inspiring, or pull from when you feel the need to be inspired)? If so, what program do you use? How has it served you, and what do you consider the pros and cons of the option that you’ve chosen? I’d love to know.
Overall, while I still have a long ways to go, I think given the circumstances I’ve been successful thus far in my lunar intention. I’ve only recently started using the lunar cycle for self-care, and I’m excited to continue through this cycle and end on a high note. Since I’ve started, I’ve noticed that having measurable milestones over a tangible course of time (new moon, first quarter, full moon, last quarter) has brought its own sense of gratification.
If you’re interested in learning more about starting your own form of self-care using the lunar cycle, I’d personally recommend the book Self Care by the Moon, by Valerie Tejeda. I used the audiobook format (narrated by the author), which is free with select Audible memberships.